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A fitting end to a great year at DROR

The school year is almost finished and the DROR girls enjoyed a fun day, filled with physical and personal challenges. Naama Cohen our wonderful DROR coordinator from Ulpanat Gila wrote to us to report back on how how the day went from her perspective.So what happened today? Every girl got a shirt and left school with great excitement. and anticipation for Deer Park in the Gush.

You could hear the discussions amongst the girls on the bus..." the Omega, it's too scary " "I can't do it I'm sure" "I won't be able to I know" and so on.. The vast majority of the girls overcame their fears and walked over bravely to the ravine in pairs or threesomes . A few girls chose to tackle he rock climbing wall.

Screams of terror and excitement could be heard from a distance all over the park.After the girls finished the Omega they were brought back by jeep and they began the Ropes course A few of the girls had to be helped in the middle of the course. The girls that were able to finish all of it were really proud of themselves. I heard them say sentences like: "I'm really strong! I was sure I wasn't going to be able to do it! "," I knew that if I was able to overcome fear and do the Omega, I could do this too" ","We are really brave!

"They (the girls) touched me very much!

Some talked about the importance of their achievements during the day but it seems to me that even they don't fully appreciate just how successful this day was. When we returned to the bus, many girls come up to me to tell me thank you and to say that they had a lot of fun and they were so happy.

I give to you the thanks and gratitude of the girls. Thanks for caring and for all the goodwill that comes and results in such perfection.

Naama Cohen

DROR Coordinator, Gila

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